วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Indian Way of Life & Basic Truths of Indian Philosophy

To get up reasonably early in the morning. Wash out, brushing the teeth,
bathing, sitting for sometime for meditation or going out in a park for
morning walk and then to have light breakfast are the usual duties an
average Indian generally performs before he starts his work. He then goes
for his work and returns home by 7/8 P.M. to mingle with his family before
he retires. Some modern Indians rise very late, say at 9/10 A.M, take bed
tea, rush for bath to get ready for office, eat something or take Tiffin
with them and attend their respective offices. After finishing the day's
work, they go to clubs or for a walk with or without their wives. An
Indian man generally atakes his dinner between 8 and 10 P.M. gossips with
his family members and then retires for sleep. As a tradition, youngsters
go for sleep after their elders have first gone.

An average Indian works with relaxation, talks to his guests friends or
visitors during work, often neglecting his work. His work is slow, and in
case of a Govt. servant, negative, unless there are extra incentives like
offer of extra money, profit of other advantages. He may even read a book
visit his friends or a temple or mosque during business hours. He is
basically greedy, materially-oriented but outwardly religious-looking. He
pretends to show that he is contented but actually he is acquisitive. He
talks of high philosophy and sings songs of glory of his ancestors. But
leads not too-virtuous life, he is ingenious, manipulative about his own
affairs, and engages much of his time in how not to pay what is due to
others, evading taxes and earning money by hook or crook to meet his high
cost of living.`

Most of the population is poor and their major time goes in making both
ends meet somehow.

An average Indian is brainy, intelligent, religious, orthodox, egoist,
individualistic, proud, patient, non-violent conservative, peace loving,
hospitable, talkative, showy-hypocrite, God-fearing, and a person with
lesser ambition.

In social life, an Indian would spend more on marriages and rituals would
pay attention to parents and other family members and would live in a
joint family which, of course, has started disintegrating. He attends
social functions, does charities for his own community. Interferes in or
talks about other's affairs. He goes and listens to preachers,
religious-gurus. Holy places, pilgrimages, community functions even
without believing in them, he does it as a traditional custom or to show
to others.

Some Indians, who are core and soul of Indian society, are really highly
spiritually evolved , contented, philosophical, philanthropic, learned,
unselfish, virtuous, experts of yoga meditatio0n, herbs, futurology,
spiritualism , and capable of showing the path of peace, prosperity and
happiness to the whole world.

The future of mankind depends on this small population of Indians, in time
to come; the whole world will look forward to them for guidance and
leadership. From the events taking place now in the world, it appears that
the character of a future a man will further deteriorate, he will not have
much work to do, and yet he will be more tense.

His family and social security will totally disappear, he will be a
solitary and mostly neglected person, with no outside help or company he
will be confused and be wildered. He might have well-equipped scientific
aids, but deep inside, he will be hollow, lonely, and unhappy. He will
realize the following basic truths of life as recognized in Indian

i) Everything is within; it is futile to wander here and there.

ii) Life is like a drama one should perform his part well and accept the
results as they come.

iii) There is nobody whom you can call your own except your own self. All
relationships are selfish.

iv) You are the cause of your own miseries and you are the cause of your
own happiness.

v) One who knows where you are going, the whole world will give him the

vi) It is neither the money nor the position of a man which can give him
peace; it his how strong character and feeling of contentment which does

vii) One should learn to work relaxingly, to eat less than the appetite,
to remain contended in whatever he gets and to do good to others. He can
then sleep peacefully.

viii) Life, and for that matter every event in it, is temporary. No one's
position is going to remain the same. One should not therefore; worry for
any elamities as they like any other thing will also pass.

ix) The world will go as it goes and it will not change for you. If you
with to be happy, you should adjust yourself according to the world.

x) Everyone is a separate independent person of his own kind. Even two
brothers or sisters are not the same or similar. No one else can make any
basic change in one's life except himself.

